Day of Equipping
NET Center (St. Francis Hall) West Saint Paul, MN, United States
This one-day training, presented by Bart Schuchts, is designed to equip and prepare every member of God’s church to live more fully into the mission of Jesus Christ. Attendees are encouraged and inspired to live God’s Kingdom purpose and be empowered to live more fully in their confirmational graces. Through interactive, hands-on experiences, attendees with learn to discern the presence of the Holy Spirit and pray with others for physical, spiritual and emotional healing.
This retreat takes place the same weekend as the Healing the Whole Person weekend retreat and is a separate but complementary teaching (separate registration required).
The Father’s Love
Equipping God’s People
Fullness of Confirmation
Hearing God’s Voice
Praying for Physical Healing
Living in the Mission of Christ
For those who cannot attend in-person
Phoenix, AZ
2910 Kerry Forest Pkwy #D4-344
Tallahassee, FL 32309