Sé sanado


In stock

Quantity Discount Type Discount Price Per Item
10-24 Percentage 10 $16.20
25-47 Percentage 15 $15.30
48-150 Percentage 20 $14.40


“Un guía para el encuentro con el poderoso amor de Jesús en tu vida” – Dr. Bob Schuchts

Sé Sanado, la nueva edición en español del libro Be Healed, se basa en el popular programa del terapeuta católico retirado Bob Schuchts para la curación espiritual, emocional y física. Incorporando elementos de la espiritualidad carismática e impregnado de las Escrituras y la sabiduría de la Iglesia, este libro ofrece esperanza en el poder sanador de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo y los sacramentos.

Schuchts, el fundador del Centro de Curación Juan Pablo II, comparte con sensibilidad su propio viaje de curación después de soportar una serie de traiciones en la escuela secundaria—la infidelidad de su padre, el divorcio de sus padres, y la adicción a las drogas de su hermano mayor—y sus posteriores períodos de lucha con Dios y con su fe.

Sé Sanado incluye herramientas útiles como gráficos, tablas, listas, preguntas de reflexión y desafíos personales para guiarlo en su viaje hacia la curación. El proceso de confianza de Schuchts para encontrar la paz interior y la curación está audazmente centrado en Cristo, manteniendo el enfoque en la persona de Jesús como “el médico vivificante y omnipresente de nuestras almas”. Schuchts lo ayudará a reconocer su quebrantamiento y a encontrar su esperanza y sanidad en Cristo resucitado. Schuchts lo ayudará a reconocer su quebrantamiento y a encontrar su esperanza y sanidad en Cristo resucitado.

Additional information

Weight 11.2 oz
Dimensions 6 × 0.8 × 8.9 in


  • Full refunds up to 30 days prior to the event (less a processing fee of approximately 3%).
  • No refunds are provided within 30 days of the event.
  • For parish-hosted weekend events, virtual and livestream events, cancellations less than 30 days are eligible for a credit which can be applied to a future JPII Healing Center event.
  • For weeklong events, cancellations less than 14 days are not eligible for a refund (this is due to the non-refundable deposits made to venues, vendors, etc).
  • No refunds/credits will be provided after any event has begun (i.e. no refunds/credits during/after the event).


  • Registrations are not transferable between persons or events.
  • This event is for attendees 18 years old and older.
  • By attending this event, you consent to any photographs and/or video footage that may be taken for promotional, commercial, or distributional purposes.
  • By registering for this event, you are agreeing to the terms of the informed consent policy which can be found here.


  • Full refunds up to 30 days prior to the event (less a processing fee of approximately 3%).
  • No refunds are provided within 30 days of the event.
  • For parish-hosted weekend events, virtual and livestream events, cancellations less than 30 days are eligible for a credit which can be applied to a future JPII Healing Center event.
  • For weeklong events, cancellations less than 14 days are not eligible for a refund (this is due to the non-refundable deposits made to venues, vendors, etc).
  • No refunds/credits will be provided after any event has begun (i.e. no refunds/credits during/after the event).


  • Registrations are not transferable between persons or events.
  • This event is for attendees 18 years old and older.
  • By attending this event, you consent to any photographs and/or video footage that may be taken for promotional, commercial, or distributional purposes.
  • By registering for this event, you are agreeing to the terms of the informed consent policy which can be found here.