Restored was created to gather men ages 18 and up together to discover God’s design for them through the lens of John Paul II’s vision for masculinity.
The Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday conference will consist of powerful stories, testimonies, talks, fellowship, laughter and encounters all designed to set men on a path of freedom to live as God desires.
Restored was designed to gather men ages 18 and up together to unlock God’s desire for their masculinity and discover the heroic life of virtue they are created for through the inspiration of courageous saints, scripture, and the writings of the Catholic Church.
The Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday conference will consist of powerful testimonies, talks, fellowship, laughter, and encounters all designed to set men on a path of freedom to live as God desires.
Topics Are Grounded on Scripture & Church Teaching
2910 Kerry Forest Pkwy #D4-344
Tallahassee, FL 32309